@geezer - Burton on Trent as rhyming slang for rent? Never heard that one before, and I used to live there! :)
In general, what fascinates me about the latest protests is the number of MPs who so vociferously defend employing family as assistants / researchers etc. If this sort of nepotism were to be exposed in any other walk of life they would be all over it, highlighting it as the self evidently unfair practice it is - and not forgetting the fact that for many of them, it represents yet another means of adding public money to their own families income stream.
Renting is most definitely a better option than buying IMO. In Sweden ( at least, I think its Sweden) They have state owned,purpose built flats which the MPs can rent out - and the monthly living allowance each MP is entitled to is just sufficient to cover the rent of one of these flats.. And ultimately of course, it means that the rent money is coming back into the public purse.They are free to rent elsewhere should they wish, but should it be more than their official allowance, they have to fund it out of their own pocket. That sounds eminently fair and sensible to me.
I also think that 5 years seems too long to bring in these reforms - I suppose they are linking it to the life of a parliament but that just seems lazy to me.