Their reported salary is £64000 for your average backbencher, who in effect is a "supercouncillor" Dont forget though that under the existing systems of expenses and allowances, they can claim very much more - And also remember that all their office allowances are paid for, much of their personal expenses are, or have been until the Telegraph ran its story, unreceipted ( £400 per month food allowance, £250 a month travel allowance) that they can just submit a claim for. so thats another £7,200 a year tax free ( and how much would you have to be earn to get that amount net of tax? ).
Add to that the majority of these MPs "employ" their own family members as assistants, researchers, etc - no open interview process, no proper selection or vetting process - and the money these people get paid as a salary will feed back into the MPs pocket.
All the items they currently buy to furnish their second homes, where it is allegedly needed. All this stuff is paid for by the taxpayer, and it becomes the property of the MP.
So, taking all that into account - an equivalent salary to cover all of this would be much closer to £150K or more a year. I dont believe that any of them have shown any actions to justify this type of salary. And these peanuts they are being paid are M and S peanuts, not your bog standard off the shelf peanuts! :)
They should receive a salary of around £65 - 70K a year. Each MPs office should be run as a small business, given its yearly allocation, and they have to submit accounts to the HMIR live the rest of us. Their staff positions should be advertised and a proper selection process should be adapted.