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If I knock at your door on Saturday night

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Bobbisox | 19:03 Thu 29th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
do you want me to 'trick or treat for you???
which do you prefer?


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Oooh, I'm sure i could think up a few tricks for you Bobbi. lol
Question Author
well I am open to
maybe tell you a joke or two...splutter!!!!
that will get me sent on me
Sorry Bobbi, I miss read your Q I think I would like a ' Treat ' from you. !
If you knocked at my door on Saturday night, Joy I would offer you a cup of tea after the long journey from up Norffff - ha ha ha
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I will get me spotty hankie
a cup of tea after such a long bloody journey, you suvveners really know how to welcome a tired owld witch..pmsl

tony a treat will be yours
hubble bubble toil and trouble, snail and slugs and wee of a newt!!!!
there you have a promise now for tonight of the Mrs, is that good?
But Bobbi she already say's I'm on a promise ( or was that a yellow card ).
Question Author
she can\'t go against the spe;; I have cast
If you knocked at my door on saturday night, i'll be out - but i'll leave the light on as a trick to make you think i'm in...

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If I knock at your door on Saturday night

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