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A pleasant conversation

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pericat | 16:14 Fri 30th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
A bit before my time but my sister loved him, he's now an actor and was in the Agatha Christie I saw the other night


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why thank you sir- just a little tweak here and there - you look particularly dashing yourself
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Peri... watch out for vibra's 'dancer's lance'...
^ Dancer's Lance n. An unwelcome erection that appears when dancing closely with a member of the opposite sex. Also known as a Saturday Night Lever...
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lol thanks for clarifying snags - I've come up against guys like you in the past
now whats wrong with that sentence
Did we share the last dance last Saturday? BTW, I'm sorry about what happened... send me the dry cleaning bill...
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no problem snags - I might do a monica with that
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Is this a gentleman's exuse me. lol
lmao... you got to be quick round here mate...
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But with a super fast 'reload' action...
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A pleasant conversation

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