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A proper thank you to Craft

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pericat | 13:46 Sat 31st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I wouldnt be where I am today without your mentoring and help - I thank you


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I await all the 'pussy' comments
But just to make you aware there are two different cats in the photos
you're welcome peri....................I don't even like bloody cats.......
They are like twins peri.
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ah well - no problem - just remember in the land of the blind the one eyed god is king
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one is much smaller than the other and a totally different coat
the one with the red ring - that is feline peri - and she fetches that when you throw it for her
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how did you guess redhelen - they are extremely spoilt cats
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Aww,ain't that lovely!
I am glad craft could help you.
I was going to try but feared that I couldn't explain it easily.
Well done peri, and what lovely kitties you have.
Aw the lighter one looks like my Honey
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thanks mr. v, jan and atsgran - i have to start learning a bit more about this type of stuff - now thats all done have to pop to shops to get halloween things

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A proper thank you to Craft

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