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john1066 | 23:45 Sun 01st Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Stacey Soloman to win. A 'natural' with a good voice and a wonderful personality....Would love to see her win..Wouldn't you?


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Sure would John
I like her bubbly personality...a sure winner with a singing voice to boot!
but she isn't very entertaining, there are dozens of singers already that have more distinctive voices.
i like her, I can see her more in a tv light entertainment role than just purely singing. who got voted out tonight?
Question Author
That's a shame - appart from the twins, I would have liked to see Danyl go, he can sing, but everything he does sounds exactly the same, I feel myself drifting away when he is on, I lose interest while he is singing.
Yep, Danyl is a one trick poney.
Oh god know can you imagine if she one. She'd be a mess
It would be hilarious to watch though, don't you think 4get.
Any interviews would make comedy TV...
About as hillarious as jade used to be in BB
-- answer removed --
she's not stunning
She may not be stunning 4get, but i bet most men myself included wouldn't kick her out of bed.
probably not, she's not ugly either

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