Advisory Council made up of 21 UNPAID scientists, all experts in their fields report and give advice to the Government.
On the reclassification of Cannabis and Ecstasy, they advised that they should be reclassified, based on research and publication in two scientific journals.
This research was presented to the Government with the advice of the Committee and Prof. David Nutt was sacked.
It is up to the Government to decide if the advice should be taken, but it is totally abhorrent that the expert should have been sacked just because the Government didn’t agree with the advice.
I often give advice medical matters in Health and Fitness and people often disagree with my opinions, but should it come to banning me from AB for my opinions, would surely be unacceptable.
In other words, if we like what you say, then all is well, if not, then you are sacked…….that is a road that would lead to a Dictatorship.
Anything taken in excess can kill. Recently I have heard of 2 people dying of Water intoxication, one in the UK and the other in California.
Can having too much Sex kill us as well I wonder....God forbid !!! :-))))))))
There is usually a predispostion to mental illness in those who develop it after smoking cannabis in my opinion.
I know dozens of people who smoke cannabis regularly and none of them have any form of mental llness let alone something as severe as schizophrenia. I do wonder how much of the link between the two has been exaggerated by the government and the media.
In just a few short months this government will be history. Would Cameron have about him an advisor who's opinions differed from government policy?
Where's the dictatorship when we can change our political masters?