This site might help you
Paroxetine (trade names Seroxat, Paxil) has had a lot of bad press over the years as you will see on the page..
To come off the tablets try and carry on doing what you started by reducing the amount. But take the tablets as normal for 3 days and the 4th cut the tablet into 4 quarters or half and take that on the 4th and do this over time(either take half or 3/4). On the the other days take the full tablet . Then after a couple of weeks reduce again but don't take the reduced amount on the following day have a full tablet in between.
This will take a long time took me over 2 years but if you do it to quick you will have some bad side effects.
The tablets do taste horrible when cut so glass of water straight down.
You may notice when you are coming off them you need to take a full tablet to get rid of the side effects you get especially at night hard to explain the feelings. But don't give up
When you do read about seroxat you will find seroxt could be causing you being anxious.
If i can help you in any way
[email protected]