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going to bed....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Bobbisox | 00:03 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Goodnight all,


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good evening - lady den of densworth house
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I was going to my slumber, but a troll wants the last dance with me, so I will oblige...he-he
Yes she will Den. We'll just be the commoners to her soon.
you say that now Joy, but if push comes to shove, will I be living with you in Buck House ? ha ha
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wear on your Tapas....Nice!!!!!
when I am queen of ireland I shall rule with a loving hand - jan will be be bountiful with the vodka when you get your title ?
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I have my priorities DEN, you and Jan and a whole lot more will live troll-free in comfort and watch the trolls squirm with
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just two left feet???
I think you're a sandwich short of a picnic juggs!!!!
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just say you were insulting me and I will understand juggs, I'm good like that!
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btw, it's censor dear

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going to bed....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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