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Yob slapping, a new public phenomenon?

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R1Geezer | 11:35 Wed 04th Nov 2009 | News
20 Answers
In the last few weeks we've had 4 or five cases where the feral yobs on our streets have picked on the wrong person and got a slap themselves. Do you think this will inspire the public generally to "hammer a hoodie"? I've often asked how far will the public be pushed before they deal with the problem themselves and I think we may be seeing the start of it. Clearly the police are not interested in cleaning up the streets and even in the unlikely event they end up in court, there's basically no punishements any way, so have the public had enough?


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Look beneath the hoodie and you will see a scrawny rat boy. When I have had verbal (never physical) abuse it's usually been that sort.
Why is it that these types are nearly always scrawny little rats? Very rarely do you see healthy looking normal young men hiding under hoodies.
LoftyLottie - drugs...
..sorry, didn't realise this had already been posted further down. Still, no harm in seeing it again eh?
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Some of these yobbish hoodiies have the IQ of a newt - except that is probably doing a disservice to newts.

They are stupid thick morons.
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Drugs!? I hate to say it, but you can pick out the likely hoodies whilst they are primary school! Would that be drugs too?
I wear hoodies.
ummm - do you wear it to conceal yourself from CCTV cameras? I also own a 'hoody' but wouldn't be seen dead with hood up. For added tw@t value the hood has to be worn with another hat (beanie or baseball) underneath it.
The phenomenon that has always made me curious is why, given that they are pretty much all sunken chested seven stone weaklings with pipe cleaner arms, do they insist on whipping off their Reebok T-Shirts as soon as there is the first sign of a hot day.

Is their pathetic stature the reason why they nearly always have a Staff in tow? Ugly violent chav has ugly violent dog.

I loved the youtube clip of the skinny little chav, being very aggressive for an audience, being twatted by the guy who was an ex royal protection officer.

Booldawg...No of course not. I do put the hood up in the winter if it's really cold. My hoodies are not over sized and tend to be 'surfer dude' not very threatening.
their egos are fuelled by boozing and hanging out with their mates thinking they are hard, about time they got a slap!
flip flop you made me really LOL. Yes they are the ones who walk around bare chested if the sun shows it's face and they really swagger.

However, I really do like Staffies and don't find them ugly. The are lovely loyal and family friendly dogs who unfortunately are being abused and used for the wrong reasons and turn violent usually because of their owners or mistreatment.

Actually I have a hoody too, come to think of it. Snug and warm on chilly days.
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lol Birdie....

This is going to sound bad...but hey, who cares?

There was a hoodie big gob who use to bully my son and his mates after school. My son was 12 and him and his mates between 15 and 18. I phoned my cousin....body builder with a bit of a rep....he met them after school and watched this group of lads pick on the younger ones. So he got out of the car and walked up to the ring leader and made him strip. Not naked but took his shoes and jumper...he didn't know it wouldn't be naked at the time. Basically just humiliated him in front of his minions. Not one of them stood up to him. There was one of him and about six of them.

They never picked on my son again...bunch of ***....
P ussies
Things what bug me about chavs...

Why they try and speak like yardies

Why they walk like a yardie (ie a stone in their trainers)

Why they walk around with their hands down the front of their JJB jogging bottoms

Why they are all ugly and spotty
Perhaps we can make it a new Olympic Sport. Yob bashing - I'd enter.

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Yob slapping, a new public phenomenon?

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