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Corrie. Sally to Kelly Crabtree (about Rosie)

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Bbbananas | 16:40 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
'At least she can spell P.A.'

that made me chuckle.


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Pam, Tyrone's Auntie to Roy Cropper: "I don't know what it is, but people can't seem to get enough of my baps".

(The look on roy's face was priceless).
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I'm talking to myself here, I can see.
No matter.
It wasn't really a question anyway.
Hello Salla. Just logged on again. I will talk to you. Yes that was really runny!
I meant the remark about the baps!!

and it was also funny apart from runny!!!!
Hi Salla (and Lottie!)
I agree, they have one-liners in Corrie second to none.
Question Author
Urgh... runny baps.
No wonder Roy gave her a distasteful look.

The actor that plays Roy Cropper is long deserving of an award for the part he plays - he's been absolutely fantastic over the years, and I've never seen him get any award or accoldade other than a good newspaper review. He can be funny, awkward, and very very touching. His acting when he thought he was the father of Tracy Barlow's baby was impeccable.
Excellent! Very funny salla
He's a treasure. I'm really liking Graham now too.

Hi again Yoga x
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Bl00dy hell- just when I'm beginning a good conversation with myself... along comes people & interrupt me. Huh !!

David Neilson is the actor - all of us should vote for him in the next soap awards. Long overdue.
There have been many witticisms of late on corrie!!!

And I love them all.
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The best ones are usually from Blanche - her character is the queen of one-liners.
But lately the scriptwriters have blessed Norris with some ace sayings.
Yes Lottie - Graham annoys some people, but I think his character is funny - loved it the other night when he was talking about Michelle and quoting famous film lines - "I think you had him from hello..."
Saw some pictures with him and whoever plays Tony in freezing water doing their own stunts for a forthcoming episode. So I really do admire him!! Noone would get me in a freezing cold canal like that!!
Poor Blanche is very unwell. Anyone heard anything more lately?
I am so glad you made that point about Roy Cropper. Over the years I have thought that his acting has been outstanding and completely unrecognised by anyone. I feel annoyed that I can't remember his name in real life.
He is always totally in character in every way whaever situation he has in Corrie. I almost feel like writing to him to say that I'm a great fan!
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He was in the running for an award a couple of years back, I think it may well have been the Tracy's baby storyline. He didn't win it, which was a travesty. If I remember rightly, it was a Hollyoaks actor who won it.

David Neilson has been absolutely superb in Corrie since 1995. I hope one day he does get recognition for his quite brilliant and believable acting - I'm sure he's respected by his peers - but he deserves public recognition.

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Corrie. Sally to Kelly Crabtree (about Rosie)

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