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Noobody likes me!

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Bobbisox | 00:13 Fri 06th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Everybody hates me,
I'm going to the garden to eat worms...
Can you remember such Sh!te (any more little poems...?)


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Much to his dad and mum's dismay
Horace ate himself one day
He didn't stop to say his grace
He just sat down and ate his face
"We can't have this!" his dad declared
"If that lad's ate he should be shared"
But even as he spoke they saw
Horace eating more and more:
First his legs and then his thighs,
His arms, his nose, his hair, his eyes
"Stop him someone!" Mother cried
"Those eyeballs would be better fried!"
But all too late for they were gone,
And he had started on his dong...
"Oh foolish child!" the father mourned
"You could have deep-fried those with prawns,
Some parsley and some tartar sauce..."
But H was on his second course;
His liver and his lights and lung,
His ears, his neck, his chin, his tongue
"To think I raised himn from the cot
And now he's gone to scoff the lot!"
His mother cried what shall we do?
What's left won't even make a stew..."
And as she wept her son was seen
To eat his head his heart his spleen
And there he lay, a boy no more
Just a stomach on the floor...
None the less since it was his
They ate it - and that's what haggis is

One fine day, in the middle of the night. Two dead men got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other. Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf Policeman heard the noise and went to sort out those two naughty boys.
If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man. He saw it too
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nobody loves me,everybody hates me,
i think i'll go and eat some worms,
bite of there heads
suck out the juice and throw there skins away,
nobody knows how much i love to eat three times a day
nobody loves me, nobody cares
I think I'll go and eat worms
long ones, short ones, fat ones, skinny ones,
see them sqiggle & sqirm.

Bite their heads off, suck their blood
and throw their skins away
Nobody knows how well I feed
on worms three times a day!

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