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A genital itch. Scratch it now or try & save it for later?

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Bbbananas | 14:39 Fri 06th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
(bearing in mind, Keith is in my office.....)


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Call for Squad. He will scratch it for you ! lol
-- answer removed --
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Only if he's cut his fingernails redman.... ouch! will have to be precise........where is it? .......don't use euphemisms like "girly parts" and do NOT get me into trouble.

P.S to be precise which isn't clear from your question, YOU or KEITH?
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My genitalia sqad, of course.
Left labia majora.
I think it's down to too much perfumed oil in my bath last night.
Left Labia Menorca or Majora.
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I wouldn't mind it if it were menorca or majorca - but majora is a little irritating, and not so enjoyable.
redman......LOL LOL....very good.

salla...not if it was Keith's genitalia........???

I am not 71 yrs old.
Question Author
Oooh - sulky sqaddy !
I was only joking my man. So - I'll scratch it myself then, or see if vibra will virtually assist.
I could ask Keith himself I suppose, but he's off with me this week cos I've been otherwise engaged with a young mediterranean stud muffin.

men and their moods - honestly.
Question Author
Right - itch scratced. You will be pleased to know I stood in the corner to do it, with my back to Keith.
His face is red mind you....

I am orf now - I have worked far too long for a Friday - I've normally pee'd off by 12.30.
Love to you all.
And a special big love and kiss to sqad who is sulking with me today, but I know will love me again on Monday xxxxxx

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A genital itch. Scratch it now or try & save it for later?

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