i don't believe the purpose of it is for us to learn anything by it, it's purely an act of rememberance. nor do i think it's a token gesture by anyone to salve their concience. of course all the brave men and women who gave their lives will be rememberd by their own families, etc., but i feel setting a day apart for all of us to remember all of them is very necessary. we've been talking this morning of an uncle who died in the first world war. he was a young man of 19, unmarried and with no children, and of course we never met him. if we didn't have rememberance sunday then i'm pretty sure no-one would ever give him a second thought. personally, i also remember my parents and other family members who've died from illness. it focuses the mind i think and long may this act of rememberance continue.
so to answer your question, nothing is being learned by anyone...but that's not the point of it.