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lamb braising minty chop

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mandimoo | 20:52 Sat 07th Nov 2009 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
on gas mark 3, for 2 hours.... the label suggests i cook in stock or gravy. so, can anyone guide me for a stock or gravy that would complement the already minted, lamb. i have beef, chicken and veg stock cubes and all manner of herbs and spices. looking forward to your replies....


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I would use veg stock ....enjoy
Lamb stock cube?
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hi carrust, no, lamb and fish stock is the only that i dont have ;o(
Don't know if you have these ingredients but here is a "mock lamb stock"

Seems strange, advising cooking it in a stock. I'd have thought that would remove, or at least seriously weaken, the mint flavour.

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lamb braising minty chop

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