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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:32 Tue 10th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Foggy and soggy this morning. I think I'll hibernate 'til spring! zzzzzzzz,


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morning wbm
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Morning beejay. The internet started playing up while I was typing. I didn't think it had posted, so I did it again. So no, you're not seeing double!
Morning waterboatman and beejay. It's raining here too, or was half an hour ago, I haven't been outside yet. Yet again I'm awake on a day off though - might live dangerously and go and do the ironing! Have a lovely day everyone xxxx
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Morning bensmum xxx You know how to live! That's really adventurous that is, ironing!!
Too confusing having 2 threads :D
And you know how easily confused beejay gets wbm, poor lamb :D
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I know, bensmum, but the poor lad can't help it. ;-)
confused ?-nah - i just pertend to be-mwb
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I noticed!
morning. lovely here. but then my mum always did say that the sun shines out m_
Good morning everyone !!!
It's cold and damp here in YORK this morning, not sure if it's frosty like it was yesterday as not seen the car yet !!
Have a great day, I'm back to work after a week off :[
morning waterboatman and all :o)

last working day this week! off to Yorkshire for a couple of days tomorrow morning. what language do they speak up there?
They speak a broader deeper version of Lincolnshire sara !
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Morning ank, lil and sara. They speak Yorkie of course sara! lil will tell you that, won't you lil?
Morning everyone :-)

It's still a bit dark here. It was very foggy when I went to the shop last night...
good morning wtbm and the rest of the gang, a bit nippy here in GC, Winter is fast approaching
Have a nice day

Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North
Good morning all!

Damp and ingering fog, horrible. Keep warm.

Have a good day,

Funny XXX

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Good morning early birds!

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