Tiscali Broadband? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Tiscali Broadband?

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StuDapples | 23:56 Sat 24th Apr 2004 | Technology
9 Answers
I'm thinking of changing from ntl dial-up to Tiscali Broadband. Can anyone recommend Tiscali or is this a naff idea?
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Have been on Tiscali broadband for about a year and it's been problem free, there can ba an occasoinal slow down between 5+6 mon-fri accessing the pop accounts but other than that perfectly fine.
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Thank you Mac
I recommend the actual service. As for the technical support and bill enquires they are pants! i am changing from tiscali when my year is up as they have frustrated me so much!
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Thanks to you as well, Lisa. I'll bear that in mind. If I get any trouble I'll just send "The Boys" round.
Don't Tiscali limit the amount of data you transfer? I read somewhere that one guy had been limited. He may have using "excessive" bandwidth but if you pay for 512kb/s you should get 512kb/s. In my humble opinion, you should look for a provider who won't limit you at all. Plus.net are very good =)
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Thanks scatman. After all that, when I tried to subscribe they say I'm not in any of the regions they service. I'll have a look at that Plus.net though.

Wow, I go along with Lisa. 

Using Tiscali broadband is fine but their customer service, billing and communication are APPALLING. I had a problem a while back changing packages and should have learned my lesson.  Now, having changed from narrowband to broadband, I am having a really hard time (double billing and the deletion of an email address, despite reassurances to the contrary) & I have just posted a question today in the hope that someone out there can offer a way forward cos Tiscali are so intransigent.

I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.

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Thanks kriskwery. I think you've just help me make up my mind. In return, if I find a particularly good'un I'll let you know.
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