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paramedic qualifications

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I_love_Ken | 00:02 Mon 28th Nov 2005 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
does anyone know what qualifications I need to become a paramedic, and where the best place is to do my work experience?


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This makes four successive questions in this category which I've answered by linking to the Learn Direct site!

This should help: obprofiles/profiles/profile284/

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I think I'll stick to being a horse rescuer
I dont think I'll ever be able to any of that stuff!!!

Join St John Ambulance as a volunteer. They have divisions in many places and supply First Aid at various events. Many interesting ones too. You can do this at any age. This will give you great experience and will put you in a good position to apply for a post as a paramedic.

You will make connections and receive ambulance experience. You can volunteer as many hours as you like. This will also help you decide if it is for you.

I have been a paramedic for 5 years now. But when i applied it was 5 gcse's A to C including Maths and English. A clean driving licence, and be very fit. If you get through the application sift. Thats just the begining. You then have fittness test. Maths and English test. 15 mins presentation on why you want to become a paramedic. Driving test and a hour interview. Good luck
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