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i've just chastised

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Ankou | 12:11 Fri 13th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
the office junior for spending 30 minutes wandering around the office nattering and wasting time when there are deadlines to be met.

i can't abide such languor. its the third time this week. should i recommend disciplinary action?


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Wasting time at work is just not on....

p.s. Lurve the word languour.... don't you?!
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it's a day for nice words Ankou

Yes - self-flagellation is the order of the day.
Where's me whip >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Isn't that what naughty nuns do?
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you're telling me redhelen, you'd think that was his primary function the dozey loafer.

i shall tell him that i am setting up a disciplinary meeting for first thing monday morning.

then on monday morning i'l say 'not really'. that'll learn him.
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Not setting a good example to the office junior spending time on here.

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i've just chastised

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