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i dont think...........

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stokemaveric | 22:07 Sat 14th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
simon cowell will be on the ''first plane out of here'' if those clowns jedward win...and did you see the face on louis walsh when those guys danced behind him?? lol....yes it is QUEEN


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Didn't see it. Watching the Ireland match. When is it repeated?
im recording the ireland match !!
I will not mention the score then cazzzzzzzz :-)
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dunno ummm watching it once is enough...but if you do watch it just watch louis s face when jedward go behing
Ok...will do.
-- answer removed --
it wasn't that they danced behind him, it was the shock of the idiot from the audience invading the stage as the twins were singing, he has apinapple on his head and actually he could have had a knife!!! it's bloody disgusting they need to step up the security. the twins were very composed though, if that looney had umped up whilst staceyt was singing she would have collapsed!
What happened?
i didnt see that and I was watching it!! maybe a trip to specsavers for me next week?
a bloke jumped up and stood next to John as they were singing and i think he 'mooned' but the camera was on a long shot.
he ran off stage punching the air cazzzz, you probably thought it was one of the backing dancers lol
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nor me cazzz but i still think it was because jedward danced behind
did you not see Cheryl look shocked???? It will be on you tube shortly no doubt
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anyway how can they ever wish to emulate the great freddie mercury???? no1 could ever sing like him......
it was probably the plane stupid guy again
I don't mind the X-Factor,although I usually hear it rather than watch it,as my mother has the volume up so high!!
Aaaaaaarrrrghh!! I daren't tell her to turn it down,as she'll only turn it up again.She is a bit deaf I'm afraid.
She has got a hearing aid,but she finds it uncomfortable and irrtates her skin when she wears it.
The PC I use is just around the corner in our L-shaped lounge unfortunately.
It would be absolutely great if I could install the PC in my bedroom,but as we live in such a bloomin' pokey little bungalow it seems a bit impossible to do.
I just wish the X-Factor crowd weren't SO B****Y NOISY.Such an unruly crowd.
Seems that they got the crowd from a monkey Zoo!!! Why don't Simon Cowell tell them to shut up!!!
Is it right that it was Calvin harris from dizzie rascals that invaded the stage???? ust watching xfactor on 2 and they're talking about it

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i dont think...........

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