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love ya doc...but purleeseeeee

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Bobbisox | 23:11 Mon 16th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
How many Qs can a body take?
what happened to overposting?
Do you just type the first thing that enters your head,
As I said we luvs ya, but it is a bit much pet



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well ok, theres nowt else going on so I suppose????
go for it

Bobbi x
Hi Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North , just a quick hello before I bed down , I think the rest of them are all already asleep xxx
Question Author
hello my sweet, how have you been?
Hee Doc and probably get banned if you put everything in your head into type eh !!
Well I'm ashamed to say I have a zimmer frame for round the house , and I'm now on three hours a day of oxygen , otherwise I'm ticketyboo honey xxxx
His name will live on...............FOREVER !!! :0)

( Hey Boobi's and BM xx.......Hi 5 to you, doc and you're sea monkeys )
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why be ashamed bigmama?
you are one incredible lady, just ask on here, your fan club???
I mean that too
Bobbi x
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Hi yogi darling, isn't our bm the lovliest person in the world
Bobbi x
I'm chipper and wide awake , the night staff keep having a quick look to check if I need bedding down yet
OMG Doc , that made me lol literally !!!!
She most certainly is, my lovely sprinkle of're not so bad yourself.......bit daft, but xx
You're not really daft......i you are a bit mad!
Question Author
whadya mean, a bit daft, cheeky bugger

Question Author
now I am mad!!!
ffs, throw that spade away will ya???

Hi The Equalizer , said hi on the other thread but again won't hurt , xx

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love ya doc...but purleeseeeee

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