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4getmenot | 10:50 Thu 19th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I;m sat here with my cardigan inside out. I cant have been fully awake this morning, so now I;m wondering should I turn it inside out to the right way or is that now bad luck?


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leave it as it is and if anyone mentions it say you are just getting an extra days wear out of it :)
Oh no...don't change it. Bad things will happen all over the world if you do...
Don't be silly, put it on the right way.
Put everything else you're wearing on inside out too...
Just about to give the same suggestion as snags 4get . I nearly had to stand on my head to get dressed , the male nurse was trying to put my bra on upside down ....hee
turning your cardi the right way round now will cause a small hedghog in china to wake up ealry from its hibernation, this in turn will create a sequence of events that will ultimately lead to you being eaten by an angry porcupine

You'd better leave it as it is
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I lasted about an hour and then we had lots of delivery blokes in so couldnt hide the labels anymore
What colour is it?
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Only if you're wearing it upside down...
ooo well if its jumper data you want snags i'm not wearing one
oh, is this a jumper survey?

I'm not wearing one either.
I'm not wearing anything.
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