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good afternoon

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zzxxee | 15:17 Thu 19th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
how are you today?


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If I eat in now I'll get keyboard all sticky :(

only got 1/2 hr on here , then OH wants back on!

Steg, Tis a lousy day here in Paisley too
i'm going to m&s to get either treacle sponge and custard or yum yums not sure which!
play it safe fluffy, go for both :)
Question Author
i would go for the spounge mcfluff x
fluffs when I see that advert of the M&S chocolate sponge with sauce trickling out of it
I wanTTTTTT IT!!!!!!
arghhhhhhhhh i wonder what yumyums in custard would be like???
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not good mcfluff
I love the mistletoe kisses by galaxy!!!

OOh I'll have to nip to the canteen and get a bar of choccy!
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can you get me a kitkat funny girl please???
right so i'm skipping dinner and i'm just going to have a dessert of choc pud, treacle sponge with custard and i think i ought to stop there

if i'm not on here tomorrow it means i finally did it and exploded can you send someone round to clear up the mess! (oh and feed the cat)
yum yums with custard are not as good as the plain ones fluffy -
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no prob mcfluff lol
I'm off to Fluff's for dinner :D
well I had my cardigan on inside this morning, how do you think I am today?
Bye all - I will be spending this evening making jewellery - my niece is over from England and is giving myself and my daughter our next lesson - will probably be back later tonight - be nice
I have just eaten a twix and feel guilty!!!

But it was yummy though.
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you forgot my kitkat funnygirl boo hiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cardi on inside out hey 4get not good not good at all!!!!
Hiya zzxxee

You fit and frisky, sweetheart?
Sorry zzxxee!

I was so busy stuffing my chops!
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im good thanks yogi
lol@ funnygirl

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