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Who can pick us a good topical subject to get our teeth into?

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Bobbisox | 13:13 Sat 21st Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I'ts getting a little staid of late so I think we need a
"Let's go at it hammer and tongs" debate to brighten up this dreary foggy, soggy Saturday
Any ideas you lot in AB Land?
Bobbi x


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has tammo run out of ink?
Question Author
it has started to PISH down here, very heavy,
now what?
I might go and tidy my wardrobe...yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Bobbi x
You want a good topic, well how about this, How many times have this Government got to say sorry? Slaves from the UK shipped abroad! that was sent over here in the first place, children sent to Australia, History has gone, why have we got to go back apart from history & stir the Sht up just to please someone? No, I'm not callas but lets get on with life.

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Who can pick us a good topical subject to get our teeth into?

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