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relaxing saturday evening

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packardbell | 23:09 Sat 21st Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
anyone watch united beat everton tonight and enjoy a few beers whilst doing so?.....good game , great result and well deserved. watchin i'm a celebrity now


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didn't reckon much when Kim/Aggie (whichever) was eating the anus......made me heave watching
the chewy bum you mean
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man i bet that was tough eatin!!!!....i couldn't do it, specially the eyeballs!
kim was a trooper
the eyeball was gross.......reminded me of an Indiana Jones film..........
I could lick an eyeball....but not eat one!!! lol
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i agree the koala bears are runnin for cover right now and covering all their extremities
think they'll have done that as soon as KP walked in........
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no male is safe from her evil clutches
Were'nt they allowed to swallow the eyeballs or testicles whole?
glenda.....please tell me that's not your party trick.....
Good lord no, lol.
I had my eyeball licked tonight....
have you put it back in yet?

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relaxing saturday evening

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