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Hi, I have just read your call for sympathy! I care for people that cannot walk, cannot feed themselves, cannot talk, we have to wipe their elbow, bath them, clothe them, make their life the best we can, they do not even know the meaning of girl friends let alone have one, they do not go to the pub, clubs, disco's, I'm afraid I do not give out the sympathy cards to people, many like yourself, life is full of problems we all have them, when you have what I have stated from the start of my reply, then people MIGHT listen, until then stop bloody winging about a trivial item.
look mother therasa i dont care about the worlds issues they dont know otherwise yes my arms and legs work, i know life, girlfriends and normality thats what makes it worse for me, if i was a cabbage like the ones you mentioned i would be in a world of europhia, and loosing a partner is not a trival item - dont know what planet your from why dont you go join michael jackson and bum the woops i mean heal the world