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if you were having steak for tea

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slinky.kate | 01:33 Mon 23rd Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
how would you cook it and what else would you have with it


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Yep also agree, well done steak is a crime, gotta be rare or medium rare at a push, bit of garlic sauce and some chips :)
i think it's a crime to have it mediummmmm

see what i did there?
very well done... and a few mushrooms sounds very tempting.
I've converted a few people to rare/medium rare steak.

Same with fresh tuna. That also has to be rare/medium rare.
You are very clever noknow :-)
I like my steak rare to the point that the care and attention of a good vet could rescuitate the animal.

English mustard - and it aboslutely has to be Colemans.

Served with tiny potatoes and quarted red onion roasted in olive oil with rosemary and garlic.

Each to their own of course, but for the life of me I will never understand why anybody would spend good money on a perfectly marbled aged steak and then cook it well done. Utterly tasteless, you may as well serve shoe sole leather.
Well done steak is tough and tasteless. It has to have lovely red juice running from it.

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if you were having steak for tea

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