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Chewing Gum...

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john1066 | 19:15 Mon 23rd Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Why do football managers chew gum like there's no tomorrow. Is it "What they do" ? Or is it to calm their nerves knowing they might get the sack at any moment ?


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stress relief I would imagine, BP must be through the roof watching the matches
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Because they are not allowed to swig back their whisky or light a cigarette or cigar at the pitch side :-)
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Managers having drunken brawls with each other in the 'technical area' could be quite entertaining for some I suppose.
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I agree with Daffy. They can't drink or smoke
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Fergie will drop dead pitch side,I can't imagine he will ever want to retire.Football and Manchester United are his life.
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It could be to make them look 'macho'. I Ilike milk shakes but that doesn't do much for me...x
Milkshake :-)

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Chewing Gum...

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