Is there any nice way of telling somebody they are overweight. My blokes neice is very large for her age she's 4 and eats alot. Its not her fault as the parents let her have up to 4 choc cake bars after her tea. I wouldnt tell her myself but just wondered if there was any nice way to tell them they feed her way too much. Her mums is quite large so I often wonder why she would feed her child like that when she is always going on fad diets.
4get - if the child was being starved and malnourished, would you stand back and say nothing? They are allowing her to munch her way through high fat/high sugar snacks, thereby putting her at risk of life-threatening illnesses in later years.
its down to the parents, at the age of 4 she is just eating what is readily available at home, its down to the parents to set the rules and introduce active play. If you feel strongly about this girls long term health implications then maybe you should discuss your concerns with her parents, kids enjoy active games, they barely know they are exercising if they are doing fun stuff like roller skating or playing tig.
but the people you need to talk about this with is her parents
at the age of 4 it would be awfully cruel to tell a young girl this, it would be better for her parents to modify her diet and introduce a few fun activities during the day.
personally I would remove the junk and introduce a fruit bowl, put emphasis on getting enough nutrients and highlighting "superfoods" a few weeks on that and the craving for junk food will calm down, instead of having a lot of junk in the house, she can have the odd chocolate bar or crisps.
it would be cruel to tell a 4year old she was fat.its the parents that need educating about healthy food personally i wouldn't bother telling the parents theres so much information out there about eating proper food, the mum obviously isn't interested