I only ever like to have one or two alcoholic drinks as it affects me easily because I'm quite skinny. (I'm literally a lightweight!) Most of my work colleagues go overboard with strong cocktails and shots etc, and expect me to do the same.
What's the best way of saying no without offending anyone or starting a rumour that I'm pregnant or in AA? Or even worse, that I'm saying my boss can drink lots because she's fat! (I'm sure that's not good for career progression!)
I find just saying, no thanks is usually enough. When pushed as to why I don't want whatever-the-offender-is-having I usually just tell them I don't like it. If they continue to push, I point out that they are being a little rude. If that doesn't do it, I find my way towards people who are not so pushy!
Creating stories about being allergic or other half-truths just aren't necessary. Goog luck, lilmonkey!
Say you have something important to do next day and you'll be driving early on and don't want to get done for drunk driving - they always do lots more spot checks around this time of year. And if you don't want to lie then make plans to actually do something where you will have to drive.
Picking up from Karenmac, tell 'em you have a mate who has been tipped off that the local police are having a blitz on drink driving tonight and you can't afford to take the risk of getting caught. Or just say No thanks!
When asked what I was drinking I just used to just say I wanted, say, a coke. If the person, as sometimes happened, brought an alcoholic drink anyway, I would just not drink it. They soon learn that if they do that it will be a waste of money.