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Why is the world so full of clueless jobsworth J'Arthurs?

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R1Geezer | 18:48 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | News
14 Answers
What is happenning to the "Common sense" Gene? Fair play to the fella! I would have though Australia would be the last place to get infected with the Phage!


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Ah,but it's nothing to do with (only) Australia really.
You have put "Common Sense" together with "Airlines" and look what you get! LOL
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I love the exponents of common sense - graduates of the school of life.

They see are universally of low imagination because they cannot picture themselves in the position of others - surely everybody else is or at least should be a miniture version of themselves with the same knowledge and experiences as them "common experiences"

Let's take Birdie's frustration at being patronised about driving hints - does it cross her mind for a moment that experienced drivers may not be the target? - not for a moment - Not a chance that they may be thinking of people who are recent learners just passed.

Of course if people were such good drivers in the snow and ice - we wouldn't have so many accidents when it happens.

Of course in reality if we're being honest it's just another theme of the furiously self-righteous to rail against a world that's , well just not as clever as they are!
Jake,I have never learned to drive but even I know you should clear snow from a windscreen before driving the vehicle,I also know about the visor and sunglasses being needed.
That argument doesn't really hold water Jake - even the most bunterish of lickspittles would know that it is foolhardy to drive with a windscreen obscured by snow or ice. The email Birdie received is nannying gone mad.

There was a similar example when we had a 'heatwave' this year - which lasted a week - where, no doubt at great expense, a pamphlet was published telling people how to deal with the heat, such as;

Stay out of the sun.
Keep your home as cool as possible shading windows and shutting them during the day may help.
Open them when it is cooler at night.
Keep drinking fluids.

I don't believe people need to be told to do what is blindingly obvious. Even slack-jawed, in-bred, knuckle dragging, thick as pig sh1t chavs know to drink when its hot.
//There was a similar example when we had a 'heatwave' this year - which lasted a week - where, no doubt at great expense, a pamphlet was published telling people how to deal with the heat.//

Then why do things like this occur?
While not defending JetStar or any other airline, I can understand why wheelchairs, trolleys and bicycles are not allowed in the passenger compartment of an aircraft.

My 'common sense tells me anything that cannot go in the overhead locker goes in the hold because it would be an hazard in an emergency. Can you imagine the death toll if passengers could not escape a fire on board because the aisle was blocked? Or the danger of large objects flying around in a de-compression or severe turbulence situation?

I do not know the design of the aircraft in question, was there a place it could have been conveniently stowed other than in the hold?
I have some sympathy with the airline on this one, they offered him a wheelchair just that it wasn't his own.
I presume no levys were being imposed upon him, the airline has to take into account numerous things, the chair would have to be of an industry standard in it's construction, size and ornamentation these may not have been an issue in this instance but what about next time?

//even the most bunterish of lickspittles would know that it is foolhardy to drive with a windscreen obscured by snow or ice.//

Yes they do, but that was not the advice given. It was "be sure to clear all your windows". I have seen many cars with a clear windscreen, but with side or back windows stilled iced.
I never quite understand why these companies hand out this nonsensical advice to their employees, why do they employ them if they're that stupid ?
you do see people hunching over the steering wheel trying to see out the little bit of windscreen that has been cleared of mist - unfortunately these idiots would not bother to read and take in any advice that was emailed to them! People also know they should not drive while using their mobile phone but do!
I'm with gromit and 123 everton on this one.
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