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What is the best Christmas you've had, with who and where?

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Bobbisox | 23:41 Fri 27th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Mine wasn't exactley Christmas Day, because they all lovely for me, the one I will never forget is when we flew to NY, seeing the massive tree in the Rockafella Centre, Macy's window and the Santa ringing his bell, the skaters in Central Park and going to Ground Zero to pay our respects as it was the following year, the steam rising from the pavements like you see in the films..
yes, that was magical

Bobbi x


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One of my best was on the beach in Antigua.........felt a bit funny though......
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yes, sad about yogi leaving, anyone know why?
Bobbi x
Too many idiots about I think Boobi. This is my first post tonight as just rubbish so far.

Unfortunately I'm not a lover of Christmas as being in the licenced trade for years, I've had to work so much. Who needs an excuse to eat and drink too much? Not me. I think it's different for people who have children as these days I think it is really for kids. Unless your religious of course, which I'm not.
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Hi poodi. Glad I'm not now, not a good trade to be in any more. Our pub was with Courage. Mum in law had the same pub in London for 27 years with Courage.
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I bet that was bl00dy hard work poodi and jan

Bobbi x
It was Boobi, and as hubby still works as Steward of a Social Club he's working this year, Xmas Day and Boxing Day. Your trip to NY sounds great. I'd love to do that.
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it was a once in a lifetime thing jan, never to be forgotten
Bobbi x
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my son is a bar manager and has worked in the same pub for 5 years and he wants to have his own pub but he'll have to wait until he is a bit older i think.
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I have friends in the trade poodi, they get milked dry by the fat cats in the breweries
Oh and to answer the OP, I can only remember the worst Christmases, can;t get my brain to zone in on the good ones : ((

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What is the best Christmas you've had, with who and where?

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