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f.a.o Duchess Jogger Jayne of of the day......

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stokemaveric | 10:07 Sat 28th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
barbers shop...2.40 newbury.....


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agree with you there - stokie
also-silk hall in the 3 15
Question Author
thanks beejay....ill have a look at that 1 as well...........
Hi, Stokey ...

Long time, no tips !!

Thank you darling ... I'll have a little wager ... and beejay too x x x
hello jj.not spoke to you in a long time,where have you been?
Hi, Kate x

Here on and off.

Also chatting on Sports AB sometimes.

How are ya ?

JJ x
i'm good,lost lots of weight(3 stone)going to w.w.i have just found out i am diabetic.
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Bummer about the diabetes, Kate, but hey ...

You don't sound like the sort of person who would let something like that worry you too much ...

Keep kicking donkey, Slinky.

And fab about the weight loss. Well done you! I hope you're feeling good, and full of energy.

Love, JJ x
Don't kick donkey, that's cruel LOL :)
Ooh ...

You type in "kick a s s "

... and it comes up with donkey !!

What if you type in kiss my butt ?

Ooooh !!! ???
kiss my butt is fine, kiss my @ss is going to look very strange if you type that in though :)
-- answer removed --

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f.a.o Duchess Jogger Jayne of of the day......

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