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caslass | 16:59 Sat 28th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
What happened to Hugo's thread?


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Has it gone.......I'm trying to post and watch the tennis.....
Seems he WASN'T a newcomer!
Yes it's gone. I had a word with the committee and we removed it. :)
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I tried to refresh and its gone. Unless I'm doing something wrong
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That's abit bad.........3 bannings (at least) in 3 doubt he'll do an Arnie.........
Think Federer is making a comeback, don't you craft.
hope so Jan but he's not playing well.........having said that I quite like Davydenko...
Seems it went.............
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So if he wasn't a newbie who was he.
It was Klown/Army Dude I think who has been behaving a bit aggressively of late for some reason.

Usually quite a pleasant chap.

I would blame it on the AB moderation software which seems very "Po faced" of late since someone started giving out unpleasant threats late at night of course after too many "Lemonades"
Who cares? He'll be back no doubt. Move on...
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