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who fancies a pint on satuday in cheltenham?

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packardbell | 22:43 Sun 29th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
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ok its somewhere between cheltenhan and st albans, and its gotta have a tesco nearby with a sports centre close where we can all play table tennis, and its gotta be twinned with york.hows that?
Ignore me then :(
Question Author
and i thought i had it all sorted...sorry jan:(
I forgive you :)
Can we make it next March, then we can stop for the Festival.
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Will a vodka do?
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vodka, ah that's my tipple, the only problem is I won't be in Cheltenham till July.
B t the way,appreciate the acknowledgement peacock.
You could all come over here and I'll put you up
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Sorry I meant put up with you

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who fancies a pint on satuday in cheltenham?

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