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Digital switchover

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balearic | 08:51 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | TV
4 Answers
I have a tv with the digital tick so assumed it was built it and I wouldnt have to do anything. However last night, we lost all channels, what do I do? Many thanks


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Do a scan for channels again.
08:53 Wed 02nd Dec 2009
Do a scan for channels again.
Winter Hill has switched off the Analogue signal completely therefore you will have to do a full Re-Scan.
If you are receiving your signal from the main Transmitter all Freeview Channels will be available now. However if you are receiving your signal from one of the 70 Relay Transmitters you will have to wait until late afternoon or evening before these transmitters come on line.
Go into Menu and access set-up and do Full Re-Scan. There might be some anomalies to start with as you may receive Welsh Channels instead of North West Channels but don't worry about that as everything will even out once you do further re-scans
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Thanks thanks thankks!! Its working!
All systems go as they say !!
I will do a Full Re-Scan myself later on Today. With no Analogue, Transmitter Power will be increased considerably and hopefully less signal break-up from now on !!

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