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Why was Clarkson's latest Rant pulled?

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R1Geezer | 13:26 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | News
18 Answers
Seemed remarkably accurate to me!


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It hasn't. It is still on the Times website here

Gromit, why let facts get in the way of a rant?
Wow, What a brilliant article.

J Clarkeson has gone up in my estimation, and I forgive him for wasting time playing soldiers.

He should stick to writing, he does it much more better.

Why was it pulled, could it be he offended some people?

Seems it is not the only time:
His article basically says, "Stop being miserable, you Brit-bashers...this is the best country in the world to live".

And he's matter what the right whingers may say.
However, saying that - he definitely IS the most appalling man on television.

James May is fairly blinding, but Jeremy Clarkson is yesterday's man.

...and those jeans?

Why does he do that???
That's the funniest bit of the rant. The bit where he (of all people) slates someone for their dress sense. Ace!
See, I do like Clarkson, and I think his critics tend to make mountains of molehills... but I think he should stick to entertaining, he's better at it. The fact that's how a lot of people actually view the world kind of depresses me a bit.
He is getting rather predictable now though.

In fact I'm thinking about writing a Clarkson Program

A small database of random extreme exagerations on a limited range of right wing cliches coupled to a random number generator should do it.

I'm expecting to see a Clarkson exclusion to the Turing test any time.

That is of course the test for an artificially intelligent machine - a human should not be able to distinguish the machine from a human - the Clarkson exclusion is needed because it's just too easy to make a tin-opener indistinguisable from him
Problem with Clarkson (for many people) is that he speaks his mind and very often ends up saying what others are thinking and are too s**t-scared to say out loud. And that's why I like him.
He might be right but he still is an appualing man. He writes what he does because he knows no one is going to do anything about it.
We all know what Mandelson is. Clarkson is saying nothing that the rest of the country does not already think and realize. We just aren't in the possition he is as to write and rant to the nation about it. My kids are having to work their backsides off just to make ends meet. So it's not just his kids.
Mandelson is a two faced cretin who would jump political ship at the drop of a hat if it suits him and every one knows it. Do you think he isn't ready to do just that if the Tories get in and once there he will go on doing what he always done. I would love to see some one put a bullet through this mans head but it won't happen because all the political assassins are paid off by him.
Clarkson only b*tch about it all is that he is not in on it all. Because I have no doubt that given the chance Clarkson would be on the same political level as Mandleson.
Just a thought Sax. no one else is to scared to say it on here and they do. It's just AB doesn't quite have the influence the papers do and the people on here are not as famous as he is.
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getting personal, birdie?
I think even Clarkson's most enthusiastic fans would agree that his columns plough the same furrow on a regular basis, albeit (in their opinion) in a funny way.
In a very funny way :-)
I don't think I'm the one telling everybody they're all wrong on Global warming Tigerlilly! Last time I checked I was firmly in the majority camp.

Why don't you try countering me with some right wing hot air thinly disguised as reasoned arguement

I don't care how thin the veneer of reason is a few atoms of reason would be a major advance
Whoops wrong post sorry tigerlilly
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