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Going to a Horslips concert in the O2 in Dublin tonight

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pericat | 16:28 Sat 05th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Its their first big gig down here for years - they were in Belfast on Thursday. Really looking forward to it


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Hey peri!
enjoy yourself!! x
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Hi Sachs - I will do my very best believe me. Its a busy weekend - out to eat last night and tomorrow am off to an arts and crafts fair - how are you ?
Excuse my ignorance, I have never heard of Horslips. Still hope you have a good time though.
I'm good,
just back from my brothers 50th! I have the house to myself! x
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not ignorance carlass - they were mostly around in the 70s and mostly in Ireland - they were very big over here - sort of glam celtic rock if you like. thanks will enjoy. Sachs I could do with a bit of alone time but not going to get it. - enjoy it while you can
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just being thrown off the computer - see y'all later

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Going to a Horslips concert in the O2 in Dublin tonight

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