Animals quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Animals quiz

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jaynethepain | 19:29 Sun 06th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I am trying to finish a quizrun by my local cattery. all of the answers are animals either types of cat or living or extinct animals. The last seven are shown below. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
1) Part CODY namesake (7 letters)
2) Sounds fat but not in winter (5 letters)
3) Dishonest person with '** is it Bisto' (7 letters)
4) Blend with son of Noah (7 letters)
5) Only animal that can't swim (5 letters)
6) Sheep noise? To grant a blessing (6 letters)
7) A perfumed African feline (5 letters)

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"BUFFALO" Bill Cody
6 baboon
hamster ham with stir
4 hamster ( ham ,noahs son and ster sounds like stir ( blend)
7 Civet ?
5 camel ?
Question Author
Thanks to paddywak, Pentalpha8, ladyalex and roslyn251254. It's funny how the answers can seem so obvious when you see them written down. Paddywak I toyed with the idea of camel for number 5 but having searched lots of websites they all suggest something different. Some suggested giraffe because it would be unstable due to its shape but that is too many letters. I think camel may go in.

Brilliant everyone, so many clever people out there

How abot DIVER for number 5?
(a bird)
happy to help :-))
(another bird)
Sorry, Dipper is six letters.

I don't think any of the following birds can swim either:

or Swift
or Twite
Question Author
Thanks gen2. The question is the most obvious one to answer and has provided the most solutions. Not sure what to do now!


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