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NoMercy | 13:38 Tue 08th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
So who's the next birthday boy or girl of Answerbank?

I'll be celebrating just after Christmas... :-)


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what Crafty? the daughter is 40? YOU always sound under 40 and very young to me. :-)
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Awww Sara, I'll bake you one myself XXX

Craft - sounds like it could be a riotous affair :-)

Not sure what to do for my burfday..... :-/
I'm not sure what to do for mine either.

really should think of something soon I guess :)
I was obviously a child bride society....excuse me the other daughter is coughing.
Yes sara I'll do you a chocolate sponge with fresh cream okay......and I suppose the kids will be staying over so you can get hammered?
i think we should get together and have a party..........

could you imagine the carnage and its China's at the end of the month
I love you, mother xxxxxxx
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That sounds like a super idea, Fluffy. :-)
mines is the same as fluffy

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