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Sore neck

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shazzabell | 21:32 Thu 14th Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I woke up this morning with a tense neck having lay wrong, I expect. Thing is, it's still quite sore! Any ideas for a quick 'fix'?


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An arnica rub?
Massage is always good. Other than that, I never advocate drugs, but a pain killer like ibuprofen will reduce inflammation, and you will not be able to feel the pain, so will ease up and move more normally.

There isn't much of a quick fix unless you take some neurofen type tablets or buy some 'deep heat' rub... I've woken up with this tense neck thing before and it usually takes a couple of days to losen up... Nothing to worry about, all it is normally is just your muscles have tensed in an odd position and gone a bit stiff during the night... However, if it doesn't go within a week pop along to the docs just to check it isn't a trapped nerve - but even if it is, it usually isn't serious...

lol, sorry shazza, it's not nice. Took me 6 days to get over! I just slowly look left, right, then 'circles' as much as I comfortably can.
osteopath or chiropractor; not cheap (I don't think you can get them on the NHS) but it's the sort of thing they specialise in. But if it's sore rather than agonising, nurofen would probably do the trick with rather less cost.
get some nurofen gel, it's surprisingly effective.
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Thanks all. I took two Nurofen and it was gone next day. Result!

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