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Yummy Yummy Yummy I Got Love In My Tummy...

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Bbbananas | 14:40 Wed 09th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
.. but then again, it could just be trapped wind.


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Have you been at the baked beans again salla ?
Please don't mention stomachs.

I'm struggling to keep mine down at the mo.

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You been on the grog again JJ? Good girl - we have to suffer for our fun sometimes.

YYYIGLIMY is a text message I got out of the blue from my BF yesterday. I thought it was really sweet.
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Mind you - it didn't get a very romantic response. I just replied that he ought to take some Alka Seltzer for that....
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Yeah well zac, it's not all romance. The text before that was all about snow leopards and apple. And I don't think he was talking about the beauty of wildlife. Some boring computer jargonny speak which he knows I don't understand & don't take much interest in.
probably losing the plot with predictive ext
(resists explaining the computer jargon)
Couldn't you have explained it AND built in some smut Chuck?!
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He sent me what I thought initially was a strange, but beautiful, story of a snow leopard. I thought he'd gone all David Attenborough. Then he explained it was all about names for computer applications or something really geeky. (Sorry chuck!)
did you know that snow leopard is the nickname for kwame nkrumah-acheampong ?

thought not. anyhow he is a glasgow born ghanaian skiier expected to be the first person from ghana to take part in the winter olympics in 2012. he is also a ski instructor at a ski centre in milton keynes.

i thought it was a relevant point worth mentioning.

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Yummy Yummy Yummy I Got Love In My Tummy...

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