Does anyone have a Red Hot Restaurant in their town? I went today for lunch, my cousin is always raving on about how great it is. Eat as much as you can buffet from different parts of the world...
What a heap of Sugar..!! It was disgusting. What I have learnt today is that my cousin assesses things in quantity not quality.
£10 each...I ate about £3 worth.
On the plus least I got to see my Grumpy Grandad :-)
Don't really like these places ummmm, I like to be able to see everything on my plate; most people at these buffet places heap their plates up so that it looks like the waste scrapings from everyone else! Yuck!!
We were planning on going to a Mexican that's also all you can eat but such good quality. They have stop/start signs so they know when to bring over freshly BBQ'd meat...and you help yourself to salads etc.