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FAO Vibes

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mccfluff | 16:22 Tue 15th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
where have you been?
China is away, that makes you my number 1, I need your address, phone number and bank details pls

In answer to your questions

at home nursing the mother of all hangovers

petula hornswoggle
36 fartyblast lane
ee1 ee2
01259 8769751238745555

there you go me dear, anything else and how long till china comes back, she didn;t run this one past me first!

bank of pie
30 10 55


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Petula Hornswoggle???......i'm sure i've had her.....................nice teeth. :)
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is that China's friggin' pie?
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Question Author
it is the hairy pie bank, now what of it lol

vibes i emailed you 'tother day and it bounced back and said you were a strange madman it didn't recognize!
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thats not your sort code, thats your d.o.b !

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FAO Vibes

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