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Barefoot and In the Kitchen...

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Bbbananas | 14:53 Thu 17th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I had a health scare at the weekend - I thought I'd developed advanced melanoma on the sole of my foot. I made out mental wills, tearful confessions, premature goodbyes, last wishes etc...

Then I realised - I'd trod on a currant.


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Actually dot's right - having cancer does not somehow make your sense of humour disappear (along with your hair...). In fact, laughter is the best medicine is it not?

Like I said - I was not making light of cancer.
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Who's EOB?
Melanomas are benign.

Malignant melanomas are malignant.

Melanomas are common on the skin, we all have them, but thankfully malignant melanomas are relatively uncommon.

Now keep your apron on and come and sit on the settee with me in front of the roaring fire.
what or who is an EOB ?
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My Sqadlet is all man.
And I am all woman.
And that's all you lot need to know.... ;-)
joker.......LOL LOL.....yes, Thailand is where I picked that up as well.........Far East...fantastic.
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Who said I wore an apron?
I said barefoot.... and bare everywhere else - you know me!!
Ooh, sqad, what a big log you have. I'm on my way >>>>>
This should be posted in Currant Affairs
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Actually - mentioning aprons reminds me of another 'Lil story' and another of her dumb blonde moments.

She was once married into a respected rich business family (i.e. snotty & above themselves, and they soon went downhill, but that's another story). Anyway, she had volunteered to cook a big family christmas dinner for her new snotty in-laws. The mother-in-law asked her "Will you have a capon Linda?".
Lil looks a bit mystified and replies "Err.. no, but I do wear a pinny......."
-- answer removed -- my posts naked in the kitchen with just an apron come to the settee and I will worry about the "poking" ........of the fire.
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