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What a good start to the day....

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wiggal | 14:27 Fri 18th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Hi all! Hope peoples snow days are going good :-)

So I actually decided I would try and get through the snow to work, only to find when I get there that the security company did not want to try and get through the snow to open the office or gates to the car park! So there we are, around 15 of us blocking the road and stuck out in the freezing cold waiting for someone to turn up with a key.

Finally a decision was made at 10pm (some staff having got there at 7.30am!) that if they were not there by 10.15, we would go home. Come 10.15 we decide to leave, start walking to cars, and the security company turn up to let us in!

Typical really! :-)


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I would have gone home anyway...
I hope somebody did their nut with whoever.
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Well as everyones cars were in 2 rows between the main road and the security gates that were locked, no one really had much choice as couldnt go backwards.

I had been dropped off by Mr Wiggal as he was on his way to an interview so would have been a nice long walk in the cold to the station to catch a train and an even longer walk in the snow on the other side.

Although we phoned them many times, they kept saying they would be there in 10 - 20 mins, that went on for 2 hours, so leaving was a bit tricky!
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Well I think there will be Carlton as in the end someone from HR called them and said that we will be getting back to them once we get in the warm as it really isnt acceptable.

I have finally defrosted now though and have some feeling back in my toes!
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And to top it off, some one has just stuck there head round the door to say that someone walked round and said we could leave.... but missed me and my colleague in our little office in the corner! So every one else buggered off ages ago! Pfft!

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What a good start to the day....

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