Than the sweet voices of young children singing, I have just come back from my grandsons Carol Service at our local church....the innocence of these kids was there to see, big shining eyes and singing their little hearts out....brought a lump to my throat
Sara there was a little boy about seven accompanied by a little girl same age, he played Silent Night on the piano while she played a violin...amazing !!
Vibes I just have to say this, it was magic, it was in a Christian Church where the kids dressed for a Nativity and sang all of the lovely Carols we did as children
it felt very peaceful knowing the kids were doing something in the tradition they were brought up with rather than the school being worried of offending another religion .
awww that sound so much fun and so very exciting. congratulations Bobbi!
for me nothing like the bubbly, giggly laughter of the wee ones. they always make me laugh also, and fill my heart.