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stokemaveric | 23:26 Sat 19th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
its bl**dy freezing..................


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Yer not wrong I have 3 layers on and still cold BRRR
Tell me about it! The heatings on all day & at times, I still feel cold & it's quite high.
Time to get the hot water bottle out! - just had a hot chocolate mmmmmmm
you aint wrong, the wifes got 3 jumpers on.
Must admit I've had the heating on all day and 3 layers and I'm still not overwarm..........I haven't used a winter duvet for about 5 years but I'm considering getting it out of the loft......
Chucking it down here - where's my snow?
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ive just had a look out of the window and theres a dog with his leg cocked stuck to the lampost at the bottom of my drive...
im cuddling a hotwater bottle :)
-- answer removed --
lol stoke.....I think it's the first time my westie has seen snow.......he was puzzled by it to start with and then went mad running around in it......
poodicat, i know it aint that cold, its just cosy cuddling something warm :)
We got all middle-aged today and bought a lecky that can stay on all night....... it's crossed with a toaster so it will pop us out of bed in the morning !!.
i hope you don't wet the bed then !!! sparks could fly.
I said middle aged !! not ancient !!
well I`ve only got a tealight and a polo mint for warmth !!
i've got the arms of a cold blooded woman !
You're not wrong, Stokey. I turned down the heater in the car so it wouldn't be such a shock to the system when I got out.
I think we all need to get together and have a group hug to warm us up!

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