I have been made redundant and now desperately looking for work. I have seen jobs advertised that say SAP or CRM experience required but I have no idea what these are. Can anyone tell me? TIA
It's actually Customer Relationship Management. It is one of the suites of Applications that make up the SAP system - the one that deals with finding and maintaining customers.
Another-view....the reason I wanted to know is the job descriptions sound as if I could do the job but I just wanted to know exactly what they were. When I know EXACTLY I can apply for jobs explaining that I know what these systems are but although I haven't used them I am more than willing to learn.
I would still think you were wasting your time looking for jobs where you have no clue as to what the job entails. I could go for a rocket scientist job and say I am willing to learn.
If it says "experience required" then that is what it means. You would be wasting both yours and the employer's time by applying for this.
Not necessarily. My last job was advertised as needing someone with experience but I got an interview, said I was willing to learn and got the job! I was there for 9 years until the company made us all redundant in November.
And another-view perhaps you could let those nice people at every JobCentrePlus in the country know that that is a valid reason for not applying for jobs.
No you are wrong there. I have the joy of signing on as I am now unemployed. They have given me job leads that have expired, oil rig jobs in Scotland and jobs where English is not needed. Another government office doing a fine job!