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joggerjayne | 18:47 Mon 21st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Should we "go natural" ?

Or are you a plucker ?

Or a waxer ?

Do we want to risk looking like female Alistair Darlings ?


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I like Alistair Darling.
and i wouldn't kick HER out of bed either, :-)
I'm a plucker ;-)
I did used to shave them off back in the 80's and draw them on with eyebrow pencil but realised it looked blooming awful so don't do that now.
in the 70s it was fashionable to shave them completely off & just use pencil! The Bowie look! I did shave them off & ever since they have been sparse, I have eyebrows but I also 'fill' in with eye pencil!
Snap daffy! x
I'm a waxer or a plucker. Never do either when pi$$ed though.
i comb mine back, over my head it keeps me warm
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Good answers, guys x

I think Katy's eyebrows let her down a bit.
i never touch my own. one of my co-workers had hers removed and then got tattooed eyebrows. what sense is that, and they look so fake.
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society ... that's a bit weird
In the 70/80s the thin pencil eyebrow look was in. Of course I regretted it totally! lol!
ummmm's got lovely eyebrows.......I have mine waxed......
oh, is the thin penciled look not in anymore!?!?!

Hmmm, wanders off to ponder a fashion rethink.......
sometimes I do corn-rows and sometimes I just plait them for quickness!
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mine aren't too bad considering I rather over-plucked them in the 70' waxing technician thinks they look good but I do sometimes worry about him when he 'waxes' lyrical about my eyelashes .......

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